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Dance and Art Therapy NZ is a registered charitable trust with a mission to support and empower individuals and groups in Aotearoa/New Zealand through the use of dance movement therapy and arts...
Mint Charitable Trust provides support for people with intellectual disabilities in the Upper Clutha area, allowing them to have a voice and feel included in their community. MINT seeks to empower...
Ōtepoti Hip Hop Therapy is a free creative arts and dance/hip-hop program for youth aged 13 - 17 who come from troubled backgrounds, as well as those who are aggressive or struggle with...
Arts Access Aotearoa provide a national advisory and advocacy service about access to the arts. This includes providing information, resources and research through the Information Centre. The purpose...
Thinkit Art is a creative space for young artists aged 7 - 15. They offer a positive and creative community where young people can be inspired, learn new skills and develop their ideas through art;...
Arts Access Aotearoa provide a national advisory and advocacy service about access to the arts. This includes providing information, resources and research through the Information Centre. The purpose...
Vincents Art Workshop is the oldest Creative Space in New Zealand. It is a community based initiative providing access to arts and craft facilities, skilled tuition, and materials within a supportive...
Many Hats is a theatre company made up of adults with intellectual and learning disability. Skillwise, a community organization supporting adults with intellectual and learning disability, asked us to...
Inclusive spaces & opportunities for young people in...
The heart of Mixit is our Saturday afternoon sessions, bringing together a diverse group of young people to mix, create and express themselves. Running from 2pm to 4.30pm, it’s an open space where...
Care and Craft Centres provide social outings for elderly, lonely, and disabled people. Gathering on Mondays from 9:30 am - 12.30 pm, to do various crafts or social activities. Morning tea and Lunch...
Strive Rehabilitation specialises in delivering comprehensive rehabilitation services for those with brain injuries. They provide a holistic approach in their work, ensuring that a social, cognitive,...

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