Sonocent Audio Notetaker / Glean

Sonocent Audio Notetaker is downloadable note taking software that has been trusted by learners and institutions for 14 years.

  • Capture audio, text and slides in a single note-taking workspace.
  • Organise and categorise note sets so you can easily return to them.
  • Turn your notes into a variety of formats to suit your learning style.
  • Improve audio quality and extract only what's useful.
  • Enrich notes with drawings, scribbles and photos - perfect for graphs, equations and diagrams.
  • Upload your notes to the software to review and then engage with the new information.

To download your free 30 day trial of Sonocent Audo Notetaker please visit Sonocent – Download

Glean is the next generation of audio taking software, the antidote to information overload for improved student success.

Universities may have licences, as well as Workbridge and employers.


Region: Auckland

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