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Mental Health

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If you need urgent help, these helplines are free and 24/7: Call 1737 Text 1737 1737 can help if you are feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to; feeling down or a bit overwhelmed; or know...
Vaka Tautua is a national ‘by Pacific, for Pacific’ mental health, disability and social services provider in Aotearoa with a strong presence in the Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago...
Earth Gardens MENTAL HEALTH & ADDICTIONS SERVICE Earth Gardens was established in 1985 to provide a flexible, supportive and therapeutic working environment for people living with mental...
Free call 0800 376 633 - 24/7 Free text 234 - 24/7 Free Webchat with a counsellor online. Youthline is a "with youth, for youth" organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New...
Henderson Home Community Homes provides residential care for intellectual, physical or sensory disability, dual diagnosis and also holds individual mental health contracts. Carer support and respite...
Counsellors.co.nz is Aotearoa New Zealand's Premier online counselling service. With five counsellors available they have a wide body of knowledge. They have a 15-minute free consultation service...
ibd&Me is a website for children and youth with IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease). It is run by Crohn's Colitis NZ, with the aim of supporting you in transitioning through your teenage years, and when...
Awareness is a network of people with their own experience of a mental health or addictions service. Their mission is to ensure effective mental health services in Canterbury by supporting individuals...
Kenzie’s Gift’s mission is to create a brighter future for young Kiwis affected by serious illness or grief by supporting good mental health and ensuring no young Kiwi faces serious illness or...
Vaka Tatua is a national health service for Pacific People - they provide free support and guidance, as well as offering services in, Social Services Older People's Wellbeing Mental Health Disability...
Henderson Home Community Homes provides residential care for intellectual, physical or sensory disability, dual diagnosis and also holds individual mental health contracts. Carer support and respite...
Free call 0800 376 633 - 24/7 Free text 234 - 24/7 Free Webchat with a counsellor online. Youthline is a "with youth, for youth" organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New...

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