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Needs Assessment

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Roopu a Iwi Trust provides social services and support in the Hawkes Bay area. They offer health support and work alongside young people and their Whanau, addressing their needs and offering targeted...
Your Way | Kia Roha is a charitable trust dedicated to helping disabled people thrive, living the lives they choose in their communities. The services they provide include: Connections &...
Disability Resource Centre Southland is a local charitable organisation, that provides disability, health, and aging support. They offer a range of assessments, and services, including in-home...
Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by enabling them to make choices in their own lives...
IDEA Services are New Zealand's largest provider of services for people with intellectual disabilities and their families/whanau. IDEA Services works on a one-to-one basis and helps to develop a plan...
The Methodist Mission Southern envisions a society that is safe, caring, and sustainable, where all citizens are valued, respected, and provided with equal opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. They...
Otago Youth Wellness (OYWT) is a youth-focused service in Dunedin that provides support for young people facing multiple challenges that impact their well-being. Their mission is to empower these...
Community Care Trust are a not-for-profit charitable trust that aims to provide support for youth and adults living with intellectual disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorders. They can offer a...
Corstorphine Baptist Community Trust (CBCT) are a disability support provider in Dunedin. They offer a wide range of respite and specific accommodation options for people living with mental health...
IDEA Services are New Zealand's largest provider of services for people with intellectual disabilities and their families/whanau. IDEA Services works on a one-to-one basis and helps to develop a plan...
Access Community Health is a leading provider of home based healthcare and support. Their nationwide teams of over 4,000 support workers and registered nurses support people to remain active, safe...
If you or someone you care for needs support because of a disability, you’ll need to talk to a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service (NASC). NASCs are organisations contracted by the...

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