Cholmondeley is a children's centre and respite care for tamariki aged 3-12. They provide short-term, planned and emergency respite care, as well as support whānau in the community through its outreach program delivered by the Awhi (care) team. Cholmondeley is an independent charity, whose services can be accessed through a diverse range of community service providers, agencies, and directly from parents and whānau.


  • Awhi Team
    • Support to whānau in their local community
    • Social Workers are available to provide short-term interventions.
    • Whanau Ora Navigator who works with whānau Māori to set and achieve their aspirational goals and navigate opportunities for whānau to achieve their goals.
    • Refocus Service, is a team of youth and social workers who provide long-term support only to tamariki, rangatahi, and their whānau or caregivers. Refocus support, navigate and cheerlead families who have lost faith in services, schools and agencies, and are experiencing complex issues including youth justice and school engagement concerns.
  • Respite Care
    • Best suited for tamariki aged 5-12, but can accept children 3-5 years old in exceptional circumstances, provided conditions can be met
Region: Canterbury
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