The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust provides a range of safeguarding services and supports. These include Supported Decision Making support and training, short term advocacy and life long advocacy, and a coordinated inter-agency response for Adults at Risk.

The Trust offers parents and other interested persons an opportunity to invest in peace of mind for the future through membership and enrolment. The Trust also extends support to people not enrolled in the Trust.

Advocacy is a service that argues for, or defends, another who is unable (or needs help) to do so for themselves. Their service is designed to work alongside the individual and to assist them, where needed, so they remain happy and healthy. The Personal Advocacy Trust is another set of eyes and ears, and importantly a voice for its members.

Life long advocacy involves the establishment of a trusting relationship between the member and the Regional Advocate, who will make regular contact, visit, report and engage in planning to monitor the wellbeing of the member. The type and intensity of advocacy required will vary between each member, and from year to year and depending on their needs or issues at the time. This relationship plays a preventative role in stopping the majority of issues before they arise. If an issue did occur, the Advocate would work with the member and their other supporters to find an appropriate resolution.

Short term advocacy support typically only focuses on issue or crisis resolution.

Region: Wellington
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