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Suicide Line

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If you need urgent help, these helplines are FREE and 24/7: Lifeline: 0800 543 354 Suicide Crisis: 0508 828 865  Or text: 4357 Other hotlines: Warmline: 0508 927 654 Peer support helpline for people...
If you need urgent help, these helplines are free and 24/7: Call 1737 Text 1737 1737 can help if you are feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to; feeling down or a bit overwhelmed; or know...
We are a FREE health service to young people aged 12-24 years living in West Auckland, North Shore, and Rodney.  We offer free general Youth Health Clinics by appointment throughout the week. You can...
If you need urgent help, these helplines are free and 24/7: Call 1737 Text 1737 1737 can help if you are feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to; feeling down or a bit overwhelmed; or know...
If you need urgent help, these helplines are FREE and 24/7: Lifeline: 0800 543 354 Suicide Crisis: 0508 828 865  Or text: 4357 Other hotlines: Warmline: 0508 927 654 Peer support helpline for people...

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