If you need urgent help, these helplines are FREE and 24/7:

Lifeline: 0800 543 354

Suicide Crisis: 0508 828 865 

Or text: 4357

Other hotlines:

Warmline: 0508 927 654

  • Peer support helpline for people who use Auckland DHB mental health services
  • 5.00 PM - 11.00 PM seven days a week


Parent Helpline: 0800 568 856

  • 9.00 AM - 9.00 PM seven days a week
  • compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental support and advice on all parenting issues


The free community helplines (Lifeline 24/7 and Suicide Crisis Helpline), as well as our text support service HELP (4357), are answered by qualified counsellors and trained volunteers from call centres in Auckland and Christchurch.

On the Lifeline website, you will find resources for either your own mental health, supporting someone going through a mental crisis, a helpline for parents,  and counselling services offered. They also have business/corporate support and training.



Monday 24/7
Tuesday 24/7
Wednesday 24/7
Thursday 24/7
Friday 24/7
Saturday 24/7
Sunday 24/7

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