If you need urgent help, these helplines are free and 24/7:

Call 1737

Text 1737

1737 can help if you are feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to; feeling down or a bit overwhelmed; or know someone who is feeling out-of-sorts or down.

Whatever it is, 1737 is there to help 24/7, with trained counsellors and peer support workers. This service is completely free.

What does the service provide?

  • When someone texts or calls 1737 a trained counsellor will work with the person to develop a care plan. This takes on average between 10 - 20 minutes and could include referral to another service, additional counselling or providing information and support.
  • We offer the option to speak with a peer support worker.
  • Brief 1:1 counselling support where we focus on one or two key things you need support for.
  • Information and support/support plans/self-care approaches and specific strategies for presenting issues.
  • Transfer and signposting to other services (e.g. face-to-face service providers).
  • Information on more comprehensive support (e.g. relationship counselling).


Monday : 24 Hours

Tuesday : 24 Hours

Wednesday : 24 Hours

Thursday : 24 Hours

Friday : 24 Hours

Saturday : 24 Hours

Sunday : 24 Hours

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